Avslutningskonsert 2024: Villfarande barn – Rysstad/Henriksen/Gustavsen – Bergen kirkeautunnale

Folkesanger Kim Rysstad, pianist Tord Gustavsen og trompeter Arve Henriksen presenterer gamle, åndelige sanger som «Jesus, din søte forening at smake», «Villfarande barn» og «Langt inn på ville hei» i ny, fargerik drakt.
To musical arrangements created in the intoxication of the moment by Tord Gustavsen and Arve Henriksen , Kim Rysstad sing about the abyss of corruption, the suffering of the valley of lamentation, wandering souls, and the need for salvation. The heartfelt vocals blend into a three-dimensional soundscape, where the dynamics and power of Gustavsen and Henriksen’s improvisations lead us into a landscape where a series of vibrant panoramic images captivate the listener.
In Easter 2023, the trio released the album ‘Vilfarande barn,’ recorded by technician and producer Erik Hillestad at Kulturkirken Jakob in Oslo, and now they are bringing this material to Johanneskirken!
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